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Our Ranch

We are located in Reva, South Dakota – A.K.A. “West River” – which in South Dakota is synonymous with ranches and western life. It is cowboy country… not Hollywood cowboys, the real ones. We are in Harding County, which is also known for its toughness, super-talented cowboys, cowgirls, and its neighborly mentality.

“Neighbors” in Harding County includes everyone in a 45-mile area.

Go to the top of a hill and you can see forever. The weather here, however, is harsh. It gravitates to the extremes in hot, dry, cold, blizzard, and wind. But to us, it’s God’s country, and when we get a calm sunny day, we will be talking about it for days.

We currently run a cow-calf operation, which means we have herd of Angus mama cows, a few bulls, and raise calves. The calves are born in the Spring and we sell them at a local livestock barn in the Fall.

We hope to transition our herd to 100% ranch-to-table and sell our ranch-raised beef directly and solely to people like you.

From our Ranch…

…to Your Table.